Following Shirejam 2019, we undertook a survey and a review meeting. As a result we aim in 2023 to:
- Three Counties Showground will set up all infrastructure in partnership with Shirejam to ensure site signage is more obvious and abundant
- Reduce the activity sessions so that the Sub Camps can have a session, probably on Saturday afternoon; to provide a larger jamboree spirit
- Shirejam badge will compose of a design incorporating a centre piece with sub camp pieces around the outside for people to collect over the weekend
- Retail clothing by sub camp again for 2023
- A more user friendly booking system. Scouts Hereford & Worcester will ensure a fit for purpose system, ideally integrated into an App and utilise OSM.
- Provide a more communicative administrative system.
- Have an outdoor stage for Opening and Closing Ceremony
- Reduce Sunday session to allow packing away with leaders, followed by lunch and the closing ceremony.
- Improve the Site wide announcements
- Provide more visibility and the choice of retail shops
- Increase the supervision in the Adult only Area
- Provide key communication points/ dates which are clear for all
- Early recruitment with clearly defined roles so volunteers can sign up
- Retain the traffic management system used and encourage more use of coach arrivals
- Retain external security company